Curriculum Development and Instruction for Seventh and Eighth Grade Religion Surveying the Old and New Testaments: Walking the Path of Our Salvation
This study examines the curricula and instructional methodologies used in seventh and eighth
grade classrooms in teaching religion. With the middle school years being a transformational
stage of development as seventh and eighth graders develop cognitively, physically, socially and
spiritually, the religion classroom is an ideal place to implement curricular and instructional
strategies which exploit these opportunities for both intellectual and spiritual growth.
By evaluating which components of a curriculum and which teaching techniques may be used to
achieve appropriate spiritual and intellectual goals, this study demonstrates suitable ways to
determine the material to be taught, the methods of teaching and methods of evaluation. Based
on the findings in these areas, the author developed a religion curriculum surveying the Old and
New Testaments to be completed over the course of two years entitled “Walking the Path of Our