Encountering Authenticity: The Gospel Fills the Needs of a Post-Postmodern Society
As long as people are sinful, they have spiritual needs which on their own they cannot
satiate. Jesus’ gospel of salvation fills those needs. This paper is a study of how Jesus’ gospel
applies to the specific spiritual holes in current society.
Current thought and behavioral patterns bear evidence that there is a philosophical shift
in society taking place. The presuppositions that existed when witnessing to a postmodernism
world are no longer as accurate as they were a generation ago. Therefore, to add current
perspective to the assumptions of gospel witnesses, this paper examines the thoughts and
behaviors of people in today’s society and notes themes relevant to gospel ministry. With these
observations and a study of the opinions of current philosophers, certain spiritual needs unique to
this current point in time become evident.
Upon discovery of these needs, this paper then describes how Christ’s gospel applies to
those needs. It further explores areas in which a perspective from current philosophy might hone
certain scopes of ministry. This study is a tool for improving the efficiency of a Christian’s
communication of the gospel to the needs of current society.