Reevaluating Ministerial Education: The Need There Is, the Problem We Have, and Thoughts for the Future
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" (Matthew 9:37). The fact was true in Jesus‘ day and the fact remains true to this day. With the declining numbers in the ministerial education system and an increasing number of pastors retiring, there will soon be a shortage in pastors. This is especially discouraging when the world is becoming more anti-religious and more in need of hearing the Word of God in order that the Holy Spirit can work faith in hearts.
By the will of God, the WELS education system is strong and has proven to send out biblically trained workers for generations. I am confident that our synod will fill the need there is for the gospel to be heard and will raise men up to publically witness the gospel of Christ. Therefore, WELS could benefit from exploring additional methods in pastoral training in order to place more called workers into the harvest field who are fully equipped to lead souls to Christ. After displaying the need for the Gospel and the upcoming problem the synod will face, this paper will explore a few thoughts in training men for the gospel ministry.