The History of the Catholic Church's Response to Evolution and the Early Interpretations of Genesis 1-3
The theory of evolution has had a major impact on society. It is taught in our public schools and
it is widely accepted within the scientific community. This theory has even greatly impacted the
body of believers. Some brothers and sisters struggle to determine whether or not they can trust
the details of the creation account in the opening chapters of Genesis. Others have chosen to
believe both science and scripture concerning the origin of life on earth; The Catholic Church is
just one example. This thesis begins with a brief look into the history of the Catholic Church’s
response to the theory of evolution. Next, it examines portions of the Hebrew text in order to
show how the text presents itself as an actual, historical account. Finally, some of the earliest
interpretations of the creation account will be presented. The goal of this thesis is to demonstrate
that the theory of evolution and the reliability of Scripture cannot stand together.