Occultic Movies and Videos: Affects on Confirmation Students
Movies portraying the occult are too numerous to count. Television shows and videos also
fantasize about the supernatural world. The number of confirmation age children encountering
such movies and videos has only increased since the love for screens has become more apparent
in society. What happens when our adolescent children stumble upon supernatural movies and
videos? The thoughts and theories about the occult and paranormal world are blurred. Scriptural
truths are questioned. The most terrifying thought is Satan, the ferocious enemy of all Christians,
is afforded an opportunity he cannot resist. As pastors, teachers, and parents, it is our
responsibility to examine if movies and videos having occultic or supernatural themes are
affecting our 7th and 8th grade children’s biblical knowledge. More importantly, we must
continue to point them to the one who defeated Satan and gave us eternal life, Jesus.