You Need to Repent: What Repentance Is and its Implications for Life and Ministry
This thesis began primarily as a doctrinal endeavor to deepen my knowledge of biblical repentance, but at a certain point, my focus began shifting towards how all the information I was learning might be applied. I became deeply impressed by my own need to repent and the need for a repentance-focused ministry. The reader will find that the structure of this thesis progresses in a similar direction, beginning with a brief overview of the biblical doctrine, proceeding from there to answer the question, “Why is the need for repentance so urgent? This is by no means an exhaustive study on the doctrine of repentance. If the reader is interested in such a study, Chemnitz’s Examination of the Council of Trent: Vol. II, Gerhard’s Schola Pietatis: Vol. II, and his Commonplace XVIII: On Repentance are excellent resources. It is the goal of this paper and my prayer that God will move the reader to see the necessity of making repentance a regular part of our lives and ministries.